Thursday, June 30, 2005

Give a helping hand!

by Abstinence Guy

The other day I was going to meet a friend for dinner....

As I was about to pull onto the main street, a woman walking by stopped me and asked how to get to a particular hotel, located about 2 miles away. After I gave her directions, she she asked if I was going that way (probably hinting for a ride). I politely told her i was going the other way.

As I drove away, my conscience began to tug at me...she didn't look like a mugger and she was about to walk two miles! Appropriately chastised, I swung the car around and asked her if she wanted a ride. She gratefully accepted and told me someone must have raised me right.

As I drove her to her hotel. I learned she and her husband were in town for the holidays and she had simply gotten turned around and lost while wandering around. We had a great talk as we drove, and she definitely was not a mugger!

When we arrived at the hotel she thanked me and as she got out of the car she gave me some money. I tried to refuse but she insisted, said goodbye and closed the door.

As I drove away I discovered she had given me $25 - not bad for five minutes out of my day! I called my friend and told her we had just received a free dinner upgrade. As we sat down and began to study our menus, two old friends walked in the restaurant. I had lost contact with them, hadn't seen them in a couple years and often wished I would get the chance to hang out with them. Now I'm gonna get that opportunity.

So as you can see, reaching out a helping hand really is worth it!

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