Saturday, February 9, 2008

say no to him, yes to future!

My boyfriend really wants me to give him my virginity, but I really want to wait. I have no one to talk to this about. I hope you will get this, I need to know there is someone out there who cares. Thanks and god bless,

Ashley, age 18

Dear Ashley,

First of all – congratulations on your commitment to abstinence. Don’t lose that focus! As far as your boyfriend, I can’t be so encouraging. It sounds like he is trying to pressure you to do something he KNOWS you don’t want to do. Is he playing the “if you love me” card yet? First of all, you should never have sex with someone to ‘prove’ your love. Real love means wanting what is best for the other person. Is your boyfriend looking out for your future goals and dreams…or his present desires? This may be something to closely examine as you determine the future of that relationship.

Now let’s get back to you. I can’t express how proud I am to hear that you are standing strong. There are so many freedoms that abstinence brings and as you continue to say no to sex outside of marriage, you will find yourself saying ‘yes’ to your future.

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